71 N Main St, Cedarville, OH 45314


Here is a list of everything we offer at Church Street Cookies. Please note that not all items are available at all times. But anything on this menu can be ordered, and we will have it ready when you need it. All GF items are also vegan, except Peanut Butter cookies and Lemon Brownies.


Unless otherwise marked, cookies are $3.25 ea.

Buckeyes (1.75)
Butterscotch White Chocolate
Chocolate Chip Shortbread
Chocolate Chunk
Ginger Molasses
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip
Oatmeal Raisin
Sugar (from the case 3.25)
Triple Chocolate

Gluten Free

All GF items are $3.25 – $5.00 ea.

Cinnamon Rolls
Chocolate Bundt Cakes
Chocolate Chip Brownies
Lemon Brownies*
Oatmeal Cream Pies
Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Bars
Peanut Butter Cookies*

*gluten free, but not vegan.

Other Goodies

Brownies (3.00)
Cookie Cakes (20.00)
Hand Tarts (3.50)
Lemon Bars (3.00)
Oatmeal Cream Pies (3.00)


Almond Toffee
Cranberry White Chocolate
No Bakes (2.00)
Oatmeal Butterscotch
Pecan Praline
Peppermint Chocolate Shortbread
Peppermint Triple Chocolate
Pumpkin Spice
Thumbprints (2.00)

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