71 N Main St, Cedarville, OH 45314


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Decorating Classes

Wanting a fun afternoon or evening out of the house? Look no further than a decorating class at Church Street Cookies! Classes are about an hour to an hour & a half in length, where you’ll learn different decorating skills using sugar cookies and royal icing. Classes are themed based on holidays and seasons.

Private classes are also available. Call to schedule your private class.

DIY Decorating Kits

Want a fun activity for your kids without having the mess of baking? We’ve got you covered! Our seasonal DIY kits contain 12 undecorated sugar cookies, four icing colors and sprinkles!

Gift Cards

Gift cards are a great gift idea, especially when it comes to cookies and other baked goods! Shipping cookies is a nice idea, but sending a gift card is even better! A virtual gift card won’t get “lost in the mail” or arrive later than scheduled (aka stale cookies!). The person you give this to will be able to use it whenever they want. Our gift cards never expire.

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